Thursday, December 24, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
I do it all for the presents!
Merry Christmas!
One of my favorite things to do is decorate for Christmas. Well I am an interior designer/decorator and Christmas is my favorite holiday. If I ever go into the field to work I would like to be a commercial Christmas decorator in malls and for individual window displays. I think that would be so much fun!

Eric and I have been studying Christmas Tree decorating and this is my tree before...

MERRY CHRISTMAS- May we all feel and give our Saviors love a little more this month ;)

We had the stomach flu the week of Thanskgiving. Gratefully we were well enough to eat on Thanksgiving day but we were probably still contagious and didn't want to share the terrible flu with our Grandparents, nieces and nephews that were more prone to getting it. So we had our first Thanksgiving at home, just the three of us.
Eric baked our first bone-in ham and it was delicious and gone within in a couple days.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Life has been so fun around the Kowallis home lately. Aden is just such a bundle of joy. He has recently learned how to climb. He climbs on his zebra toy he got for his birthday and the couch. He says "Mom Mom" all the time and it just melts my heart. His Dad has one on one with him every night and chases him around our little apartment barking and Aden runs into his little fort laughing smiling.
We had a fun Halloween with a ward party, pumpkin carving, trick or treating and the Symphony Halloween concert at BYU-Idaho. We feel so lucky!
Monday, November 2, 2009
More fun family pics
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Family Pictures by Miriam Lusk

Saturday, October 10, 2009
Eric's Happy Birthday!~

I surprised him by taking him blindfolded to the Harry Potter -The Half Blood Prince. We read it two years ago together and really enjoyed it. The movie was really fun. We were a little disappointed the ending didn't match the book but overall had an awesome time and enjoyed going to the expensive theater for once :)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Sunday Walks at the Nature Park
The Winter is coming and we are trying enjoy our last warm walks. It was 98 degrees Sunday night at the nature park in the sun. Crazy compared to this week huh? We have a lot of fun family memories at the nature park and wanted to share some pictures with you.
Aden is running around all over the place. He is good at catching himself when he falls so it's not so painful. He is a bundle of fun and always laughing and ready to have a good time. We are so grateful for beautiful nature and for each other. :)

Aden is running around all over the place. He is good at catching himself when he falls so it's not so painful. He is a bundle of fun and always laughing and ready to have a good time. We are so grateful for beautiful nature and for each other. :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Aden's Birthday Party
Our little snuggas turned 1 yesterday and we all had a blast! I decorated the house after he went to bed the night before so when he woke up he came out and it was all beautiful and fun with balloons all over the floor. He went over to his presents and used the sign for please. It was so adorable. I let him open one of his gifts and we played with it. Aden got more gifts that we don't have here and more people came that we didn't get pictures of. So know that we still love you but I think I already put too many pictures. Being a parents is awesome!
P.S. The Birthday Cake was so yummy. I am surpised at how well it turned out. I spent 1 day and 1 night working on it coming to a total of around 12 hours. It weighed 10 pounds not including the lid. It evened out to 1 pound of cake for every hour I spent making it. ;) It was totally worth it and I enjoyed learning a new skill.
Here is Aden's Smash Cake! That is really what he did. He didn't really want to eat it, he just wanted to feel what it was like between his fingers.
We played a fun game of Water Balloon VB outside our apartment. Grandma and Amiee played with the little ones so us big kids could have fun. ;)
Funny story....Courtney (in front) asked for the bee off the cake. I told her yes and let her take it home. I assumed she just wanted to look at it. She popped it in her mouth as soon as she went out the door. Good thing is is just made of marshmellows and powdered sugar. Her little brother Kyler wanted one too. Since there was one left I gave it to him and he too ate the bee whole. Hope they don't have stomach aches today, that's a lot of sugar. :)
Above is my brother Kenne and his new girlfriend Jen.
P.S. The Birthday Cake was so yummy. I am surpised at how well it turned out. I spent 1 day and 1 night working on it coming to a total of around 12 hours. It weighed 10 pounds not including the lid. It evened out to 1 pound of cake for every hour I spent making it. ;) It was totally worth it and I enjoyed learning a new skill.

This is Aden and his Grandma Denney and his cousin Tayven.

We would like to start regular scripture study with Aden so we decided to get him this children's My First Book of Mormon. We want him to know real hero's that trusted the Lord.

It was no easy task getting this book because they don't make them anymore. I had to special order it from a store that had 3 left. Gratefully I was on top of things this year and got all his presents early ;)
I have been so excited to give Aden this toy since we bought it earlier this summer. It is a bounce and spin Zebra and it sings and neighs. He really loves dancing and playing with it. He still needs to grow a little more for his feet to touch the ground.

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