I heard about the Miley Cyrus scandal and then also heard her rebuttal and decided she isn't my favorite but she is still okay and just made a mistake. Well after doing some research and seeing a YouTube video of her mocking Demi Levato and Selena Gomez and after seeing really trashy pictures of her that she sent to her boyfriend she has already gone bad. In my opinon Disney should not keep her show because she is a bad example to all the young girls who look to her as a role model.
Miley was the worst but a lot of the other characters had inappropriate pictures from their personal lives that portrayed them as bad role models also. Gratefully I did not find anything bad about Selena Gomez or Emily Osmet. They both seem to have good parents that are working hard on keeping them moral and out of the scandals that Hollywood loves.
Growing up isn't fun sometimes....now when I watch these shows the illusion is gone. I have a better idea of what they are really like from personal interviews and pictures. It is dissapointing and makes the shows a lot more fake and not as fun to watch. Harry Potter and Hermione (i think that is how you spell it) are way worse then the disney channel stars.
So next time you go to turn on your favorite show just remember that "Everything is not...as it seems."