Carter rolled over twice today on the ground. Too bad I missed both of them. All we know is we put him on his back and kept Aden close to us a few mins. later he was on his tummy. He rolled at 2 1/2 months I believe but it was on a bed with help of some covers. Carter is so active. He smiles at all strangers and makes their day. He loves being tossed in the air by Dad, finds Aden hilareous and interesting, and loves snuggling his Mama.
Aden is speaking in full sentences and says he is asking Santa for a choo choo, a bike, and some treats. Him and Carter love their nightly baths and overall just love life. We live in South Jordan now and Aden says he likes our New House more then our old one and says he is happy here :)
Meery Christmas
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Our African LR in Pocky

I LOVE designing and decorating....especially my own space!! For those of you who were not able to see it in person here is our cute living room. We are hoping to move to Midvale this week and are waiting to hear back on a job for Eric. So it is all packed up and I am designing our Christmas living room for our new beautiful apt. :)
Halloween 2010 Aden 2 yr Carter almost 3 months
Six year ago from Halloween day was Eric and my first date. We met that weekend at a Regional Halloween Conference. On Halloween he took me to a haunted vineyard which gave me the perfect opportunity hold tight to his arm... :) Now look what cute kids we have :)

Eric and I were dressed for an African Safari and the kids were the giraffes we found and brought home because they were just too cute. This year we trick-or-treated in Rexburg to families homes the week before and then went to the Library for Halloween story time and then had a trunk-or-treat with our ward. Our truck was the only one decorated...I went full out too. It was fun. We ran out of candy really quick because we didn't know if was a combined ward trunk-or-treat. So then we went and bought more for the kids coming to our house and only got 1 group of trick-or-treaters the whole weekend. Oh well. Maybe when we buy a home we will get real trick-or-treaters. :)
not my fav pic. but oh well... at least we got one :)

Eric and I were dressed for an African Safari and the kids were the giraffes we found and brought home because they were just too cute. This year we trick-or-treated in Rexburg to families homes the week before and then went to the Library for Halloween story time and then had a trunk-or-treat with our ward. Our truck was the only one decorated...I went full out too. It was fun. We ran out of candy really quick because we didn't know if was a combined ward trunk-or-treat. So then we went and bought more for the kids coming to our house and only got 1 group of trick-or-treaters the whole weekend. Oh well. Maybe when we buy a home we will get real trick-or-treaters. :)
not my fav pic. but oh well... at least we got one :)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Family Pics
My Mom put a lot of time and money into these and we are grateful we could get everyone together at the same time. What can I say... family pictures can be painful. :)

My Mom and Dad and all their grandkids...and all looking in the same direction with nobody crying!

My Mom, Sisters, and Nieces
My parents, all 8 of their children, their spouses, my nieces and nephews...nobody is missing!

They are a little grainy because they aren't the originals. I'm waiting for those on a disk but was excited to post what I had off my Mom's facebook!

My Mom and Dad and all their grandkids...and all looking in the same direction with nobody crying!

My Mom, Sisters, and Nieces

They are a little grainy because they aren't the originals. I'm waiting for those on a disk but was excited to post what I had off my Mom's facebook!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Happy Birthday Aden!
Our trip to Utah

Eric all dressed up for his interview. We originally went down for this interview which is a position at Wells Fargo. Things changed and we were presented with a better best idea of a career instead of banking. We stayed with our friends Dave and Melissa. Eric was able to walk around their yard and give them some really great tips. Dave does Software Programing and Design for the church and was mentioning the possiblity for Eric. Eric already knew a bit about that and really enjoys it. Because the other interview was not a short little one on one, but a 2-4 hour group interview, we post poned it until we knew that was what we wanted. Instead we went and bought the book to get certified as a IT. So anywho we will see what happens. In the mean time we had a fun trip and if this doesn't work out he will have another opportuinity to interview with Wells Fargo. I guess we were also feeling this would be a super hard time to move with all our health problems and Eric has a lot of work lined up for his business. :)

Melissa and I with our sleepover faces :)

This is Aden and Clay. They are 1 month apart. The Geddes' had to evacuate in the middle of the night the previous night do to the fire in Herriman that was blowing over the mountain behind their home. Clay was pretty tired and Aden was trying to comfort him to help him be happy. They had fun running around all morning.

Baby Carter 7 weeks and baby Aubrey 3 weeks

Baby Aubrey---it's a little blurry cause the babies didn't like being naked on a cold piano so we got what we got. :)

Monday, September 13, 2010
6 Weeks old 9 Ibs 6 ounces and 21 inches

Carter is such a wonderful little piece of heaven. We sure love him! Aden has been really growing up and is learning how he can help. He likes to give about 1 pat to burp him, he will run to get things for Mom and Dad, he likes to hold his bottle, he like to force his pacifier in his mouth, he loves to steal his pacifier and put it in his own mouth and more. If only I could feel better it would be a little more picture perfect. I am pretty sure Carter is sensitive to cows milk like Aden was at this age and have caught it early, due to a number of different reasons for the health of Carter and our family he is on formula and now on soy. It seems to be really helping and he is a little peaceful sweet baby when he has the right food in him. So we are hangin in there and tryin hard to enjoy this crazy time of life.

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