Life is still crazy here with Eric's work schedule. It's been hard to adjust having Sunday and Monday off and him working Tuesday-Saturday sometimes 8am-8pm. Coming home at 7pm is a little more normal though. We thought this schedule would only last until the end of May but his boss seemed to have changed his mind and wants to keep it this way until October!! That is a big difference. So we are hoping to change his hours so he can maybe go in earlier and come home sooner and have...a life? Yes that is what it is called when you do something else besides go to work and come home and sleep then start over.

My pregnacy is going well as far as health goes. Baby Carter is constantly kicking and punching and doing cartwheels. It makes me a little sick when he is active but it is fun to feel him knowing his is alive and well in there. I had about a month of feeling good and then the last number of days the nausia, headaches, dizziness, and fatigue have come back almost 24-7. I take 1/2 Unisom sleep aid when it gets too bad but it really knocks me out for about 12 hours. So I need Eric to be home to take care of Aden if I'm going to do that.
Here are some pics of some stuff we have been up to.
This is Eric watering the plants at Brady's Plant Ranch.( His new job) Eric is responsible for tending and hand watering I believe 13 green houses'. We were able to go visit him for a few hours and see his work. You would not believe how many hanging baskets they had at the beginning of the season. Make a would be right if you guessed 3,000. So it is crucial that Eric doesn't take sick days because depending on the weather the plants can dry out or mold all within a day or so.

One of Eric's professional designs is being installed under his management this Friday. It will be his first design actually becoming a reality. He is getting the plants from the greenhouse and making commission off them and the owner's son is installing them. The project is in Rigby, Id. We are all excited to see how it turns out and excited for a little pay check on the side. ;) GO ERIC!!

This is Aden at Brady's Plant Ranch. We went and saw what Papa does at work and got to go play with the stinky chickens too. That was Aden's favorite part. We have plenty of fresh farm eggs thanks to those chickens!
Aden got to help paint his room. He did all those strokes by himself. It was funny because every time he would put it on the wall he would go back and dip the brush again. So as he walked to the wall it would drip and then his feet would stick to the plastic. He couldn't figure out what was going on. He painted for a good 15 mins. or so and then said he was finished and I could do the rest. It was fun to let him help. He is such a cuttie patootie.
Before- Our master bedroom
After my paint job
After---- The canopy bed I made. I saw a picture on the internet and imitated it. It is missing the headboad but that won't fit in our car so it will have to wait until I can get help transporting it. Our theme for the Master bedroom is "Our piece of Paradise. I am hoping to finish it tomorrow for our 4th anniversary. This way we will have our own theme suite instead of paying over $200 for one night in a themed suite.

These are the first curtains I have ever made. They are for baby Carter's room. His theme is "Prince Carter's Castle by the Sea"

Before- Well this if after I painted it white and sanded. It use to be brown wood.

This is Aden at Brady's Plant Ranch. We went and saw what Papa does at work and got to go play with the stinky chickens too. That was Aden's favorite part. We have plenty of fresh farm eggs thanks to those chickens!

Aden got to help paint his room. He did all those strokes by himself. It was funny because every time he would put it on the wall he would go back and dip the brush again. So as he walked to the wall it would drip and then his feet would stick to the plastic. He couldn't figure out what was going on. He painted for a good 15 mins. or so and then said he was finished and I could do the rest. It was fun to let him help. He is such a cuttie patootie.

Before- Our master bedroom

These are the first curtains I have ever made. They are for baby Carter's room. His theme is "Prince Carter's Castle by the Sea"

After- This is for Carter's Room.

As I mentioned before we live in a twin home, or duplex. These are the two boys that we shared a wall with. Sadly they moved out but we are hoping they can find a place around here in 6 months when they are planning on coming back. Aden just loved them and they loved Aden. For only knowing them a few weeks they felt like brothers. ;)