Well I will keep this short because it is 12:30 am and frankly I want to go to bed. Life with a family of 4 has been pretty challenging. Two weeks ago I woke up with terrible pain in my breast and having Carter nurse on it was unbearable. I called the doctor and was prescribed antibiotics for a breast infection. I started feeling better but a few days later when it should have been gone I still ached. So then he saw Carter who had a terrible bum rash that wouldn't go away and a yeast infection. Since I had Strep B when Carter was born I had to be on antibiotics. They usually cause thrush with women which is a yeast infection in the breast. So I was treated for that. It was supose to be gone in 3 days. Yet I still ached, and even worse now in both breasts. The doctor just said heat packs and sent me on my way.
Well Carter has been really gassy/colicky and his feedings are short and interrupted by burping for a half hour or so and he couldn't sleep more then 10 minuets because his stomach would hurt and wake him. So that equals very little sleep for Mom and So I couldn't do much but feed, burp and change his diapers all day and night. Gratefully Eric has been able to take time off and give Aden the attention he needs and make dinner and help with whatever.
Well come to find out(through prayers and internet research) now 2 weeks later I have something called hyperlactation syndrome. It means I produce too much milk. This causes my children to fill up on the formilk which is mostly water. This gives them gas and makes them hungry all the time. Aden had this same problem I just didn't know what to do about it. It's kind of like drinking a few glasses of water before dinner and then realizing you are full but yet you still feel hungry. I also have Thrush which is the yeast infection in the breast but it didn't go away with the medicine that the doctor proscribed and will be more complicated to get rid of but hopefully successful.
So for now I am pumping out my formilk before each feeding and thanks to my cousin RayLyn (an RN and lactation consultant)I have gained a better understanding of helping Carter be more successful nursing. Today has been day 1 but Carter took a few long and peaceful naps in his own bed today. He has been so calm and happy and satisfied. He is finally able to be full and feel full. Tonight he smiled a lot and I got a few of them on camera.
I feel so blessed. I am so grateful for people who answer my prayers. ;) I am also grateful for the Lord telling them how to answer my prayers.
We are looking forward to Carter's baby blessing in Rexburg this weekend along with Aden's 2nd Birthday party. Aden is really excited and is getting a BeeBo birthday party. Beebo is his new favorite thing. He is the baby signs bear. Aden calls him Bo and we have a lot of fun with him at home.
Aden's vocabulary has exploded these last few weeks. He is also being potty trained. He is so excited and would spend the whole day on the pot if we let him. He has gone #1 once and passes gas all the time. Some of you who have never potty trained probably don't want to read this...hehe. But we are so proud of him and excited he is learning and growing. He has a cute little Winnie the Pooh potty seat and gets 1 treat for trying and 2 treats for going. Yeah Aden you are growing up SO fast!
I'll add more later...for now I am going to nurse and go to sleep hopefully for a peaceful night in my own bed.