Six year ago from Halloween day was Eric and my first date. We met that weekend at a Regional Halloween Conference. On Halloween he took me to a haunted vineyard which gave me the perfect opportunity hold tight to his arm... :) Now look what cute kids we have :)

Eric and I were dressed for an African Safari and the kids were the giraffes we found and brought home because they were just too cute. This year we trick-or-treated in Rexburg to families homes the week before and then went to the Library for Halloween story time and then had a trunk-or-treat with our ward. Our truck was the only one decorated...I went full out too. It was fun. We ran out of candy really quick because we didn't know if was a combined ward trunk-or-treat. So then we went and bought more for the kids coming to our house and only got 1 group of trick-or-treaters the whole weekend. Oh well. Maybe when we buy a home we will get real trick-or-treaters. :)
not my fav pic. but oh well... at least we got one :)