Well Merry Christmas and Happy New Year we had a fun Christmas up in Rexburg w/ my fam. My G- Crystal was there from IL and my G-Chuck was there from WI. We had a lot of fun activities like sledding, snowball fights, gingerbread house decorating, eating too much, and playing games. I was surprised to see that my just turned 4 year old niece, Kyla, is reading at a 4th grade reading level or more. She still thinks like a newly turned 4 year old though. :) We had a lot of fun teaching the young kids about Santa and being excited for his stop at Grandma and Grandpas.
My favorite thing about Christmas was decorating my designer tree and giving things to others who needed them more then me.
Our camera died and we have had a problem uploading our cell pics so picture to come in the future. Here is a link to some pics I could upload. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150112917856355&set=a.10150101605491355.311003.601236354
Some news going on in our family is we have moved to South Jordan Utah. We really love it hear and have a beautiful apartment with lots of fun perks. One of our favorite are the fresh baked cookies in the lounge. But there are so many great things it is hard to pick one. We are in a two bedroom now so the boys are learning to share a room.
Aden enjoys climbing into Carter's crib weather he is there or not. Aden loves loves loves Choo Choo trains. He got so many different types for Christmas we spent all day rotating the train activities. He has also been potty training. He went #2 for the first time on the poty and was rewarded with a trip to the book store.
Aden is really growing up. He is 2 1/2 and really has been learning how to help around the house. He give really warm magical hugs and kisses. We call them pancake hugs because he tackles us with them.
Carter is 5 months now. No teeth yet. Aden had two by this time. Carter is growing faster then Aden and going through clothes quickly. He has a warm magical smile. Everywhere we go he smiles at people and warms their hearts. I have heard from complete strangers at church, "You have the cutest kids I have ever seen." They even have their own grandkids and still say ours have the million dollar faces. Carter loves his jonny jump up. It has a tray so we tie toys on and let him bounce away. He also loves laying on the ground and playing and rolling. He just rolled back from his stomach twice yesterday for the first time. We have all had pretty bad colds and Carter hates getting his nose sucked. So that is pretty much the only time he crys. We have to make sure to get him his acid reflux medicine on time once a day. If we are late we seem to always have a hard night. He is responding well to that and no cows milk. He is a giggler and is ticklish just like Aden and his Dad.
We got a new dining table and Carter a little booster so now we all sit around the table together. Carter just started solids and he loves applesauce.
Eric is being a very good example of being Christ-like through all of our trials. He had been working full time looking for a good job for our family. He has also been working on finding what he wants to do for his career. It comes easier to some then others. We have had a long journey but hopefully this latest idea will be the one.
We hope to stay in the South Jordan area and start Eric's Masters degree online this year. He was interested in computer programming but with his Horticulture background it is very difficult to compete with those who have solely focused on IT or CS as their BA and so forth. He did take that lead of interest and mix it with his other idea of MBA and we think he is going to go for an MBA in Information Technology Management. That is a career where he would help manage companies technology. It is a very well paying and growing career. He is currently looking into three different online schools that offer it. Since he has a minor in Spanish and Business that helps him qualify.
Eric and I have made some friends that have been so kind to tend our kids a couple hours a week for date night. Cody and Jen are their names. We will be sad to loose them when Cody gets his MBA at the end of the semester and moves for a job. Aden calls him Co-e. :)
As far as job hunting is going Eric is was offered a really good year round landscape position but the catch is door to door sales and we have to wait until Feb 15th to start. It has full benefits so we will see if we can find something sooner and if not that will be the job. In this tough economy we feel very blessed.
So nothing set in stone but we are getting there. Love you all and thank you for you love and prayers!