Aden is learning how to use the pedels on his tricycle. He did so great last night by himself!
We are now living in Midvale Utah. We had a big month in May and long story short ended up here instead of L.A. We are really enjoying it here. We have a great ward and the best neighbors we could ask for. We are on the bottom floor and that is nice because we are just steps from the playground and no carrying stuff up stairs. It's got it's cons too, lack of privacy, hearing the noise above us, and safety is better on higher floors. We are still really liking it :)
Aden and Carter LOVE the outdoors! Here are some playground pictures from our last apartment and our new one.

Aden loves to play with his playdough, color, play with cars, trucks, planes, drink chocolate milk and apple juice, go swimming, play with Carter, ruff house, giggle, run, go on any adventure, go to church, build a church out of blocks or playdough, and pretty much anything fun he is up for the ride with full smiles. He is a lot of fun to be around. His speech is very good and can say anything he wants. He turns into a little baby copying Carter sometimes so we remind him he does know how to talk :)
Aden still gives his magical hugs and kisses! He also love watching Barney, Mickey Mouse Club House, reading books, Handy Manny, and Special agent Oso. He is a good singer and a great dancer!(Aden put on Carter's baby hat in the car, we call him a little nut.) He and his Dad sit down and crack and eat nuts together. They are both nut lovers. Aden is really good at saying "Sorry, sorry, sorry, I make good choices." I am trying to train him well. Eric and I make sure when we make bad choices we apologize to him too. We also say "I forgive you" a lot in our home and mend any hurt feelings. I really like it. Every day things are happy and settled. :)

Carter is changing so much!
He took his first steps right after he turned 10 months this month. He was walking from the ottoman to the couch and did a quick step step while he wasn't holding on to either. Then the next day he was standing and went to walk away from the ottoman and took one step. Then yesterday at church took two more. He will not do it on demand. :)
Carter learned how to clap the week before that at 9 months. He loves it! When we force his hands and then show him with our own he will start clapping himself and smile huge so happy that he could accomplish it! SO ADORABLE! He has been saying "Dadadada" for months, said "Mommom" when he was crying randomly before that, now says "Mom Mom Mom"when he really wants me. It is usually when I am in the bathroom getting ready and he is stuck at the gate. I use to let him in but he goes strait for the toilet and keeps flushing and flushing. Oh Carter. :) He has waved at the right time and said "Hi" a few times at the right time. The other day he said "A-dee" twice. That is what Aden calls himself so that is what we all call him around the house.
Carter turns at least half of the women heads at the grocery store and church. He has a magical smile and as we walk around we hear them talking about him "Oh he is just so cute!" In church no matter which way he looks he has some ladies smiling at him and making faces to catch his attention. :) Carter loves playing with Aden, moving, EATING, laughing, he is a little Mama's boy, he crawls really fast and puts is left knee up using his foot to crawl instead of his knee on hard surfaces. Carter and Aden are both sick with terrible coughs and runny noses. It is always something!
( This is Carter eating dirt from my plant and loving it)

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my boys!!