Congratulations Eric! Eric worked really hard to get an awesome paid internship and he got it! He will be interning for Franz Witte Landscaping starting in April. The company is based out of Boise but they are doing a project in Idaho Falls this summer they would like him to join. So we will stay in Rexburg for another year. He made a really good impression with the boss and if everything goes well this summer most likely has a design job next summer in Boise. They also mentioned sending us on a 1-2 week trip this summer to Boise so he can work in the offices. We fasted and prayed really hard for a good internship. With trouble in the economy we weren't having good luck. We followed the spirit and had faith and in return the Lord blessed us with exactly what we wanted and needed.
THe Lord is AMAZING and always provides the way when we have faith, and even when its not what we orginally wanted! Congrats!! I love the cute little pictures and sayings it is adorable!
Congratulations! We're having the same problem with internships - it seems like every science organization has lost their funding for the year. It's good to see a success story! Good luck -
Oh what a blessing! Congrats you guys!
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