Hey Everyone-
I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day. I had the busiest day of my life, but it was still really good. It was my first Mothers Day with Aden not being in the womb. :)
For those of you I haven't talked to recently I just got called to be the Relief Society Assistant Secretary. With half the ward being in Relief Society it is a very large calling and it has been keeping the Secretary and I very busy but I love it and I'm glad I'm able to serve.

For those of you wondering how my diapering went it's been awesome. I ordered a brand called bumGenius and so far so good. They are way cute and absorb a lot and clean easy. I also bought flushable liners so I don't have to clean as much and then a toilet sprayer similar to the kind you put in your kitchen sink so I don't have to touch anything. Then you just plop them in the wash and lay them in the sun to dry. I calculated I should be saving a few hundred dollars by switching now and since they are 1 size fits all adjustable we should be able to use them on our next kids. If you are interested in trying it out there is also a special laundry degtergent for cloth diapers so they don't have a perfumes or chemicals that keep it from absorbing. Aparently most detergents do.
I have been keeping busy selling stuff from our living room and shopping on bulliton board and craigslist for new stuff. I am redecorating our living room and want to do a fun theme this time. I'll show a picture when I'm finished. :)
Thanks for checking my blog!
See ya later!
I'm jealous! I want to cloth diaper! But I'm too nervous to take the plunge! So, what is the name of the detergent? How many did you buy? What is the brand of disposables? What are you going to do when you leave the house? I want MORE DETAILS!!
You are too cute and so brave to go cloth! I do not think I am that brave. Maybe someday though... Love you!
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