I went to enrichment Tuesday night and left Eric to put Aden to bed. He played with him and gave him a bath and then put him in his Pajama's. Well just after he put on his clothes Aden started crying and swatting at his left side of his body. Eric thought he might have a bug in his ear so he went and cleaned it out. Aden stoped crying and I came home a minuet later.
So he was a little Momma's boy that night and the next morning. Well we slept in with a few breaks until 1pm. I was suprised he slept that much.
Then about 3 pm when I was changing his diaper I took off his onzie that he had underneath his clothes and saw these marks.
I took him to the doctor and he said his best guess is a hobo or a brown recluse bit him 2-3 times. We are guessing the spider was in his clothes when Eric put them on.
So we went and got him some medicine and they wrote the wrong amount on the bottle. They wrote 7.5 mls of antibiotic instead of 2.5 mls.
I called the pharmist because I thought that it was too much and I was right. What a crazy day. Aden is doing fine and they are getting better I think.