Well we are getting settled in Pocatello Idaho and can't believe how much we like it here. The weather has been so beautiful this last week and we have great mountain views out every window. Both our neighbors are members of the church with kids and have been super nice. Sadly they are both moving within the next few months. Hopefully the new neighbors will have kids too. Our ward has been really great and I have made a lot of friends. We are looking forward to getting callings sometime soon too. Eric has been working Tuesday- Saturday 10-12 hours including driving and lunch. Long days and a lot of watering plants. He is doing good though and really likes it. One more month of busy and he will have a better schedule.
More updates and showing my fun designs to come. Enjoy a sneak peek!
Before- Aden's new bedroom

After- The theme of his room is "Prince Aden's Castle by the Sea" We are renting and I was allowed to paint a neutral color. This was my first room by myself. ;)

Before- Just hook ups and plain as plain can be...

After!! We got this set for a steal. The owner didn't use them very much as they were traveling with work and moved into a new twin home with a washer and dryer already there and didn't need both. They paid somewhere from $1300-1600 in 2008 and advertised $800 on craigslist. I talked them down to $500 and said we would pick up that night. So Eric came home from work and went strait to I.F. after unloading and returning the van to work he didn't get home until 10:30pm. Poor guy. We sure love them though. The dryer has a time sensor that turns it off when the clothes sense dry. I was able to 6 loads of laundry in 3 because of the high capacity ability. We are also so blessed to get energy efficient. A new washer and dryer top loaders would have been cheepest around $700 and they were not energy savors. So we are really excited and feel so blessed. Cloth diapers will be a little easier to wash for the new baby :)
BEFORE- Previous tenants decor

AFTER- All Painted, it was difficult painting behind the sink and toliet


That's all for now ;)
Craigslist is the best we bought our set for $300 on Craigslist, they have a lot of options, but not an energy saver. I am impressed with your haggling down skills! We bought our dining room set for $400 and it came with a China cabinet, but not the top part. I am so happy you are loving it there and finding friends as well. One of my favorite people Crystal lives there I think, I will email you her name, she might be in your stake! You never know. I am glad your home is coming together and I did not think you could paint when you were pregnant. I know some paints are okay, I was just wondering. Tell Eric I am so proud of him for graduating! That is exciting news :)
Yay for your new place!! It looks great so far and I can't wait to see it whenever we make it down to see you!
You do a great job at decorating!!
you are so talented! Im glad you are loving your new home :)
Wow! What a steal! Thats awesome that you are loving Pocatello. That makes me so happy!
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