Wednesday, February 24, 2010

We got it!!

Hey everybody. We heard back from the manager today and she said that the place is ours starting April 3rd or 4th. So we may end up moving the week before finals....that is still to be determined.

The owner agreed to let us paint but we have to pay for it, Eric has to help with the little time and energy he has, and I have to start feeling better. The last two days have been so hard I can hardly take care of Aden and get up to eat and go potty every hour or so. I have been having really bad head aches and pain reliever doesn't seem to do anything. I have also been really nauseous and dizzy with body aches.

Last month my doctor prescribed a prescription that he says everyone he knows swears by. He said he has never heard of anyone having side effects and that it has really helped with nausea. Turns out it is a $600 prescription for 30 tablets but I only had to pay $10 thanks to my insurance. Well I was the first on the list to have side effects and was sick to my stomach for a week plus it didn't even help. The taste was so terrible as it dissolved in my mouth I almost threw up right then and there. So much for being one in a million huh?

I am 16 weeks along I think... the babies heart beat is strong and good and we are both checking in healthy so that is the most important. I am slowly gaining weight but haven't hit my pre preg weight yet. The doctor tells me to eat more or eat more often. Neither one sounds fun when your dizzy and sick. How many of you ladies had rough pregnancy's? We are voting this one is a girl because how emotional I have been with everything. ;) What is your guess?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Waiting to hear....and still sick

Well the women who lived in the twin home we want decided to move out earlier this month. So she wouldn't have to pay the extra rent she found a few people to move in during March....since we don't want to pay hundreds extra and it is too much stress for us to move early....we may be looking for a new place.

We know that the Lord will open another window if he closes this door and we will end up wherever he wants us. Hopefully an even nicer place ;) The owner has been "thinking about it" for a week and is suppose to let us know sometime today.

Pregnancy has been pretty demanding. I still feel pretty sick most days. I have to sleep like 12 hours still and I am 3 weeks into my second tri. The doctor gave me a prescription for my nausea but it only made things worse. So I feel blessed to be home with Aden. He is very patient with me and Eric helps out a lot. We get to hear the babies heart beat every doctors visit and around March 20th, our next visit we find out the gender! Cool stuff huh?

We are so excited for my Brother and Sister In-law. They just welcomed a new little boy into their home about a week ago. They had 3 girls and one boy and now have a little bit more man around the house. I'm sure his older brother is excited to have a brother. They live in Wa so we don't know when we will get to meet him. His name is Jasper Otto Kowallis. Congrats Craig and Amiee!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Yeah we found a place to live in Pocatatello

(That is a full size sofa...the living room is pretty big....we are hoping to buy a sectional couch)
We are planning on moving April 12th 2010. That is the Monday after graduation for Eric. He is starting driving down once a week to get a handle on things and then starts full time April 14th.

We are moving to a townhouse/duplex that is 2 years old. It is a 3 bed 1 1/2 bath. It is a townhouse style as in two story bedrooms on the top floor and stacked next to other units, but duplex in and of that there is a break between every two units. So we really only share the building with one other family. We have a shared backyard that is grass and fenced in with 6 units. It should be fun and there is a family with 3 young kids and a stay at home Mom I am hoping Aden and I can befriend. We are planning on staying 2 years at least and are really excited to have about 1400 square feet instead of 650 sq ft.
There is no garage but assigned parking right in front of our door. There is a four foot deep crawl space under the whole living room with a light for storage. That will be so nice to use our closets just for clothes and shoes. :)

In the master bedroom there are small walk in closets a his and hers. That will be fun to have my own. In the bathroom there is granite countertop and lots of space. I am looking forward to painting for the first time and adding some color to our lives :)

We are lucky to be only about 25 mins from Eric's work because he is working in Virginia Id. It is so small there isn't even a store, not even a gas station. So we decided Pocatello would have more options for housing and shopping. We are also blessed to have got a job close to my family but giving us some space to get out of my hometown. We are planning on coming down probably every other month to come to the temple and drop Aden off at Grandparents.

Pocatello here we come!