Wednesday, February 24, 2010

We got it!!

Hey everybody. We heard back from the manager today and she said that the place is ours starting April 3rd or 4th. So we may end up moving the week before finals....that is still to be determined.

The owner agreed to let us paint but we have to pay for it, Eric has to help with the little time and energy he has, and I have to start feeling better. The last two days have been so hard I can hardly take care of Aden and get up to eat and go potty every hour or so. I have been having really bad head aches and pain reliever doesn't seem to do anything. I have also been really nauseous and dizzy with body aches.

Last month my doctor prescribed a prescription that he says everyone he knows swears by. He said he has never heard of anyone having side effects and that it has really helped with nausea. Turns out it is a $600 prescription for 30 tablets but I only had to pay $10 thanks to my insurance. Well I was the first on the list to have side effects and was sick to my stomach for a week plus it didn't even help. The taste was so terrible as it dissolved in my mouth I almost threw up right then and there. So much for being one in a million huh?

I am 16 weeks along I think... the babies heart beat is strong and good and we are both checking in healthy so that is the most important. I am slowly gaining weight but haven't hit my pre preg weight yet. The doctor tells me to eat more or eat more often. Neither one sounds fun when your dizzy and sick. How many of you ladies had rough pregnancy's? We are voting this one is a girl because how emotional I have been with everything. ;) What is your guess?


Emily said...

Heidi, I am soooo sorry you have difficult pregnancies! I hope it gets better for you! i can't believe that the one pill that is supposed to help you, made you feel worse! you are a trooper and so is Eric and Aden, cause I know it must be rough on them to see you struggling with this. Hopefully it is a girl! katie just found out she is having a girl! I love you lots!!!!

Miriam Lusk said...

How tough! And how frustrating! Life is so much harder when you don't feel well. So sorry you are having a hard time! If you ever need me to snag Aden from you so you can get some rest, please feel free to call me anytime.

Richelle said...

I have to agree with the eating more and more often. When I was nauseous that really helped, even though it was hard. It is hard to eat when you don't feel like it. Make sure you have lots of snacks that are easy. Some of my favorites were granola bars, peanuts, apples and peanut butter, and cheese and crackers. I hope you feel better soon! Good luck with moving!

Amiee said...

Heidi!! I'm sooo sooo sorry you've been so sick!! Let me watch Aden for you...please?!? That totally stinks that the prescription from your doc didn't work how it was supposed to. I hope you start feeling better soon! Oh and that's awesome you got the place you wanted! wahoo! I'd love to come help you pack/clean/move or whatever sometime. Oh...and my vote is a girl too! :) Love ya!

Leslie said...

Heidi - speaking as a woman who was sick through the medicine I'm pretty sure your doc prescribed - I am so sorry for what you are going through. I finally got help with a PICC line with David, but I am hopeful that you will start getting past this hard stuff soon. I'm not sure who your doc is - maybe a second opinion?? Anyway - sorry you're so sick. I've been there and it's no fun! Hang in there Heidi!!!