Monday, January 25, 2010

12 weeks along

Wowy....sorry the picture is blurry but look at the size of my tummy these days. I am twelve weeks along and the baby should be about the size of a lemon. Don't worry too much though, while my tummy is growing the pounds are not. I am still weighing in about 8 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm sure the pounds will trickle in soon enough. Hopefully not too many this time. :)I am healthy and so is the baby so that's the most important.

Gratefully I have more energy, don't have to sleep AS much and don't feel sick ALL the time. ;) I am having way too much fun planning Aden and his siblings new room. I am deciding between Wild West theme and Prince and Princess if it's a girl or Prince and Prince if it's a boy. Either way I would like to make either a wagon or a carriage for their beds and create a room of imagination, originality, and fun for them in our new duplex. ;)


Amiee said...

Woah! You're HUGE!! haha...I'm TOTALLY kidding!! You look fabulous! Love the cute lil prego belly!

Jacqueline Clark said...

Heidi! I haven't seen you since driver's ed! How are you? My last name in high school was Woolf. You're family is adorable! I can't believe you are only 12 weeks! You are HUGE! haha. My email is if you would like to follow my blog.