We have been searching for the right position for months and trying to line things up for a year but the Lord works in mysterious ways. We are not positive we are moving to Pocatello because we are still waiting to hear from two other companies. We do know that with the economy this position is a lot more stable then landscape design work and Eric wouldn't have to be out in the cold and hot mowing lawns and putting up Christmas lights. So it seems like the best next step up for our family. I have been looking for a townhome to move into and have found a few really beautiful ones.
Eric gradutes in April and I believe the job will start soon after that. We should find out the baby's gender around that time too!
Yeah ERIC! I am so proud of you!
Congrats Eric! I still hope you move near me! :)
Congrats! That is awesome! Also congrats on being prego! That is so exciting! If you ever want someone to complain to about being sick, call me up and we can have a pity party :)
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