Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Happy Independence Day

We had a great long weekend and I hope you did too. We were able to get 1 day off of work from Eric's job and we filled it with fun. We drove to Rexburg and stayed with my Grandparents late friday night. Then Saturday morning we went to the Rexburg parade. It was really fun. We meet two of my brothers there and between Kyla, Tayven and Aden's cute little cheeks we got sooo much candy we didn't know what to do with it. It was really fun to sit right on the front row. One cheerleader stopped what she was doing, went and got a piece of candy and brought it to Aden's stroller and said "Oh he is just so cute!!!" I had to agree ;)

Later that day Eric and I were able to go visit my Great-Grandma Hansen at the nursing home. She is recovering so well. Her face use to be completely black and blue and when we went I barley saw any bruises. I was able to play her some 4th of July music and some other favorite pieces on my violin. We all really enjoyed it.

Then we had a cook out at my Grandparents and played in there big green yard. Aden had so much fun. Last we went to the fireworks with my sister and brother and their families and walked....a lot. :) I have pinched blood vessels from baby Carter and the gravity of walking made my leg really ache. I survived though. It was Eric's first time at the Melaleuca fireworks and we got perfect seats. Aden woke up right before they started and cried and tried to run away from them the whole time they were going. So I stood on the back of the lawn and tried to keep him happy. I still had a moment of enjoying them and appreciating all the wonderful things the Lord has blessed me with. Mostly, I am so grateful for my freedom, being born into this church, and my dear family.

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